1. Please allow time for the complete download of the catalog (approx 5-6 minutes) to see what this program has to offer. If interested or with questions, see #2.
2. Please contact Trinity Christian Counseling Academy to receive your application/required paperwork to get started here at the Academy. Please include your
e-mail address. We can send it via e-mail or postal service.
3. When completed, you may send the application to T.C.C.A. via your method of choice.
Email: ebutcher4860@gmail.com
Mail: 66 Helen Street
New Martinsville, WV 26155
(304) 398-2007.
****Trinity Christian Counseling Academy (T.C.C.A.) has met the criteria to function as a
National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.) Certified Academic Institution. T.C.C.A will offer and administer all courses approved by N.C.C.A. and T.C.C.A. will provide all of the services needed for a candidate to qualify for certification or license, which is issued from the N.C.C.A.
Potential Counselors often ask about the benefits of the training and how to obtain CERTIFICATION OR LICENSURE from the N.C.C.A. Of course, the primary benefit is expanding ones' knowledge. We believe that the training you receive provides a deep Spiritual insight to understanding human behavior and relating to others. This knowledge is both valuable and practical in every area of life, including your ability to help those who are hurting.
Having the N.C.C.A. Credentials will help ensure that you are recognized within your community as a Qualified Christian/Pastoral Counselor. The community can be assured that your credentials are authentic and current. This program is designed to be completed in the comfort of your home. We utilize ZOOM which is a free teleconferencing program that we can actually see you face to face for discussions and supervising your counseling sessions. It is so easy to use, you are going to love it!
Other benefits available to N.C.C.A. members include qualifying for professional liability insurance, networking with other counselors, and the opportunity to earn continuing education credits at seminars and conferences. In addition, the N.C.C.A offers assistance to its members in regard to degree transfer work and fulfillment of academic goals.
Dr. E. V. Butcher, PhD
Program Founder / Director
How the N.C.C.A. Credentials Help You
Personally & Professionally
Dear Prospective Student,
I would like to take this opportunity to personally WELCOME you to the Trinity Christian Counseling Academy. We are so glad you have chosen to review our materials; should there be any questions please do not hesitate to contact us regardless of what the questions are!
A little information about how the Academy was created: I, Dr. Earl Butcher, have been counseling since 1983 when I was first ordained a minister. Back then, there were no Christian Counseling Classes that I could locate so I did the best I could; but I promised God that if I could find a good program I would definitely take advantage of it. So this went on about 8 years and then a friend of mine told me about the National Chrisitan Counseling Program. I researched it and found they were using techniques I had never heard of. By this time I had graduated as an RN with Psychiatric training, but nothing prepared me for what I was to face in the Christian Counseling realm. These people were wanting answers to life's questions from a Biblical standpoint and I felt totally unprepared. So I took some time off because I didn't want to continue to give the same old pastor's answers: "pray, read the Word, and wait on God and He will reveal it to you". These are cliches that really don't fully answer the questions being asked. For our Academy, we have designed our classes in cooperation with the National Christian Counselors Association as well as many successful Christian Counselors and have covered every topic you will need to be a very successful counselor.
Are You Really Serious About Serving God and spreading His Love There is no greater way than Christian Counseling !
Please note: when reviewing the N.C.C.A. on-line catalog it will mention fees and costs BUT because you are taking the courses through the TRINITY CHRISTIAN COUNSELING ACADEMY, ALL FEES and RECORDS ARE KEPT IN OUR OFFICE. Should you attempt to send them to N.C.C.A. they will not be properly credited to your account. The same with all exams and assignments: they are to be sent here as well. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us using our contact us page, or call 614-783-4860 or Email drbutcher@tccms.org
For Proper Credit ALL Fees are to be made Payable to:
Trinity Christian Counseling Academy
DO NOT Make Any Payments to N.C.C.A.